
Is your dog training worth the price?

One of the top 3 concerns potential clients ask when they call Off Leash K9 Training, Atlanta is if our training is worth the price?

My answer more often than not is “How many ways would a well-behaved dog make your life easier?”

If that is not enough to open a new tab and Google “Off Leash K9 Training Reviews” or “Off Leash K9 Training Youtube”, I am even impressed with these.

Here are a few things that will put the investment in perspective, for not only having your dog trained but having them trained with us:

-All of our lessons are private, one-on-one with you and your dog so we can address your specific concerns. Lots of trainers prices look lower but you will be in a class of 5-10. Your pup will be overly distracted and your trainer will be busy with others to address your issues.

-Dogs are living longer than ever, an investment in obedience has to be thought of as spread out over their lifetime. As you can see in the below chart from the ASPCA, the “annual costs” of having a dog are as high as our training. Now think about 12-16 years of these expenses and how training is one time for LIFE.


-Comparing prices for dog training is not easy considering most trainers don’t list their prices. Why don’t they you may ask? Well first most dog trainers want to know what breed you have and their issue before giving you a price. I will leave it to the readers to determine why that is….

-We GUARANTEE our training! If you do not see a huge improvement in your pup by the end of your first lesson I will refund your money right there! Another thing no other K9 trainer offers.

We believe that training your companion is an investment, of time and money, that will pay dividends for you and your dog for the rest of their life. All of our lessons are private, one-on-one with you and your dog so we can address your specific concerns. We train your dog, but we also train you to be a better handler which helps strengthen your bond built on trust and communication.

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