
Exercise Relieves Many Behavioral Issues | Atlanta Dog Trainer

I would say at a minimum, half of the dogs that visit Off Leash K9 Training, Atlanta are showing behavioral issues due to lack of exercise (physical and/or mental). This is not necessarily the owners fault. Most of us can not possible walk or run far enough to wear out our high energy pups. But I find the issue to be the owners are not physically able to walk their pup or are just too embarrassed due to their pups leash manners. Be it the constant pulling, lunging at people or other dogs, or just the unpredictability of what they will do when distracted.

Pups that don’t get the mental or physical exercise they need can display a wide range of behavioral issues.

  • Excessive barking and/or excitement
  • Escaping enclosures
  • Destructive chewing
  • Picking on or annoy other pets/family members

Medium and high energy dogs need a job. If you don’t provide one, they will make it their job to bark at everything that moves, chew on your prized possessions, escape the crate or kennel you’ve asked them to stay in, and so on. They will find their own outlets for their energy.

Off leash obedience opens up an entire world for you and your dog to experience the joys and benefits of proper amounts of exercise. Every grass field becomes a playground for you and your dog – no more waiting for a trip to the local fenced dog park. Hiking trails at local parks become an enjoyable walk for you and an energy-burning trek for your dog when they’re allowed to run ahead and romp versus pull at the leash. Walks become more enjoyable without risk of being pulled down or dislocating an arm at the sight of a distraction.

We can give you the confidence to throw the ball and take your pup to the park with a confident recall no matter the distraction.

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